Latest update, news and blogs related to Gelair and other air quality articles in the world. In this page you can find blogs that can help you find the best solution for a relatable issues or maybe get more information from any blog regarding air quality.


Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of air in and around buildings and structures, especially with regard to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common indoor pollutants can help reduce the risk of indoor health problems.

Indoor clean air is important but often overlooked. Based on the survey that almost 90% of people spend most of their time every day indoors: in homes, offices, schools, health care facilities, malls, cruise ships, offshore rigs, mines and other public places. So that the topic of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) becomes an important factor for the health and welfare of its inhabitants.

The latest news, news and articles related to air quality in the world. On this page you can find blogs that can help you find the best solution to the problem you are experiencing or also get more information from blogs about air quality.